Luís Turiba
I try to be afraid but I am not
I try to get depression and I cannot
I try to feel guilty and there is no guilt
I try to ignore reality
that strikes me constantly
I try to try and I try
and nothing, nothing at all: I'm outraged
I try to feel the blood pulsing in my veins
I try to understand that today came from yesterday
and tomorrow will be another time in this
historic pendulum game of trying
it seems that I read my country radiographically
(but I don't cry, my secret is that I am
a hard working poet)
they try to be honest and they cannot
they made an attempt on my hopes
now they try to bite their own tail with their tongue
it seems that I have been living with ghosts for a while
anyway I try and I do not give up on time
only one thing I have and I go ahead
living is our greatest temple
that's why I try, I try and try
while there is time to keep trying.